Ghee: A Recipe For Peaceful Living

Ghee: A Recipe For Peaceful Living
June 18, 2014 WholeBody Holistic
making ghee

Ghee is fun to say.  It’s also fun to make. Great for all body types and conditions and having a delicious toasty flavor, ghee is my favorite oil to sauté vegetables.   Used in many Indian dishes, this clarified butter adds a richness to beans and lentils, making a vegetarian meal even more succulent.  Able to withstand high heat, you may use it when frying foods without the concern of losing its beneficial properties.   Speaking of health, ghee may also be used as a carrier for medicinal herbs, effectively transporting the medicinal components of the plants to the various issues in the body.  Considered a moistening lubricant for the mind and for the joints ghee helps to improve memory and flexibility. You will find ghee at most Indian and health food stores but it is so much more enjoyable to put on some music, stand by the stove, and leisurely make your own therapeutic ghee on a cold winter’s day.  Double the recipe to make an extra batch for a friend.



Start with 1 lb unsalted organic butter.  Put the butter in a medium-sized pan. Turn the heat on to medium until the butter melts.  Turn down the heat until the butter just boils and continue to cook at this heat.  The butter will foam while it cooks and give off a roasted smell.  Watch closely to prevent burning.  Use a spoon to clear away some of the foam on top in order to see through to the bottom. When the butter is clear and golden all the way through and has stopped sputtering, then it needs to be taken off the heat.  Let it cool until warm.   Pour the clear melted butter through fine sieve or cheesecloth into a jar and set aside the solid particles to be used at a later time for cooking and baking.  Your batch of ghee is ready to be used, no need for refrigeration.  Enjoy!

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